noticed this, thought it was a glitch, but realized my error later!
Published on October 10, 2005 By iseekserendipity In WinCustomize Talk
screenshot (big): Link
screenshot (reduced): Link

{original text} so i noticed something strange as i used the wincustomize skin browser for the first time. when i clicked in the "skins & themes" section, and then selected the windowblinds library, 10-20 of the first captures i got where of a skinned notepad app... mind you, it's just a glitch the way i see it, lower you do see real windowblinds skins. just thought i'd point this out, as i really do not know where to mention it.
{/end original text}
note, edited: had to laugh. i was convinced that it was a case of wrong thumbnails showing in the wrong section... and then i realized, this just may be what screenshots for wb looked like in the begining! i mean, it's evolved sooooo much in so little time if you think about it! darn!
{on with the original text} questions for the more experienced users - those that have taken the time to get to know the site! - is there any link anywhere to an article or something that can explain the whole system to me? for example, i just discovered the "stats" section (for those who didn't know about this section, you have to create your own page first if i'm not mistaking, and then load it - for example: - and then click on the stats tab) i'd love for someone to detail it to me. i get the basic idea, but for example, when it speaks of "# Sites Referring to Articles (Rank):" does it mean others linking to potential articles of mine or my linking to others' articles? forgive me for my dumbness, this is new to me! i use to be much more limited in internet time, so it was >find skins > download > disconnect

on Oct 10, 2005
I haven't seen anything that would help you find your way around. Cornelia had some good newbie tutorials but I don't think she got into site navigation. Besides, exploring is part of the fun.
on Oct 10, 2005
thank you for looking night train! i'm just so happy to be able to surf more! last night, i didn't sleep at all! i was busy downloading all 42 mbs of the natural desktop! i never really thought about getting into the forums until i had a few issues with some programs! now i realize that it's just a great way to meet good people - who love skinning & skins - too!
on Oct 10, 2005
All you need is to update the skins database ... they ARE WindowBlinds skins .... but a bit older (WB 1.0 or so) ... Just feel how much changes have come through in these years ...

Start WC-Browser ... click on themes section (as you have already done) ... and give it time to update it's self ...

on Oct 10, 2005
i realized that black xero! i was just trying to update the post! lol at my own madness (and how convinced i was to have found something others had missed! tah!)
it's an amazing progress!
on Oct 10, 2005
You can consult Cordelia's noob articles series: Link
on Oct 10, 2005
it's a pretty cool serie, although not quite explaining what the site info that puzzles me... thank you though
as night train said, i think i'll have to learn little by little!
on Oct 10, 2005
what the site info that puzzles me

If you're puzzled now, just wait till you've been around for a while...

on Oct 10, 2005
thanks for the welcome aimzzz! can you believe it, it's 3:15 a.m. here, and i have to go to work tomorrow! *sigh* and all this because i'm having so much fun inspecting all these little parts of the site i'd never noticed!
on Oct 10, 2005
Have you always lived in Madagascar? Someday if I ever get to travel, it's one of the places I would really like to see.

It's quarter till 9 pm here-- I'm in Tennessee, in the US
on Oct 13, 2005
no i haven't aimzzz! (sorry for replying so late! argh! been having a bad connexion for several days!) i've lived in nyc, paris, brussels (born there), etc. i've come back 3 months ago!
it's defenitely a great place to visit. very different, diverse landscape, diversity in its people... very rich in all those things!

a quarter to 9! wow. huge time difference! hope you are well!
on Oct 18, 2005

Hi Uwase...... way back in 2001, I made a wallpaper called "Serendipity". You can see it here: 

So, now you can change your name to ifoundserendipity. lol. Thank you for your kind comments on my work, they are appreciated.

If you need any help with the site, just drop me a mail at and I will answer any questions or problems you have.   

on Oct 18, 2005
Skins for such proggies as Windowblinds, WinAMP and Litestep have been around for a very long time...and have evolved over the every now and then you'll find something ancient [and quaint]...